If you would like to create a fine-art backdrop in order to upgrade your studio photography, this one is for you. A few simple steps to make a beautiful backdrop on your own using a small budget :)
You will need:
A protective plastic sheet
Canvas fabric
Duct Tape
Primer for acrylic panting
Acrylic paint
Paint roller+extension pole
A Sponge
Cover the floor with protective plastic sheet
Secure it with a tape
Lay the Canvas Fabric on the plastic sheet
Secure it with a tape
Apply few coats of Gesso primer for acrylic painting on the fabric, using a paint roller and an extension pole.
The primer creates a sealing layer on the fabric and allows painting the fabric with minimal observation of the paint.
Let it dry for at least few hours.
Once dry, apply few layers of the color of your choice.
I created two backdrops using:
one liter of Dark grey
one liter of dark green
and in addition:
one liter of white in order to be able to mix and create different
shades of the color.
I applied the color with paint roller and a little bit with a sponge, just played with it.
Allow it to dry for a day before using in the studio.
Good luck!

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